Final Thoughts And Conclusion

We finished our web application and just gave the final presentation today. For those interested, here is the link to our slides

Our web application is hosted here: and you can find our source code here:

We were able to finish all the main goals we wanted to do with this project including:

  • D3.js map overlay onto Google Maps
  • Allowing users to select filters on what they cared most about when searching for an area to live.
  • Creating a scale that would show users which regions matched their criteria.
  • Leap Motion gestures.

This was our first time using D3.js, Google Maps API, and Leap Motion, and I’m really proud of what we were able to complete given the short amount of time we had. People were busy and we couldn’t prioritize this project in the earlier stages of development, but we managed to pull through.

Looking ahead to what would make our application better:

  • More datasets (crime, updated housing regions, etc.) so that users are able to filter and narrow in on what matters to them
  • Currently our Leap Motion gestures only interact with Google Maps, but it would be interesting to see how we could implement a different menu that leverages Leap Motion use, such as a radial menu.
  • Allow users to filter based on education, housing, and social factors instead of having to fill out the selection inputs in the sidebar. This would create a more general version of our application, but it would be a nice feature to have.

Thanks for reading!